KDevelop 1.0 beta1 on Suse 6.1

Dominik Strasser dominik.strasser at mchp.siemens.de
Tue Aug 10 12:40:07 BST 1999

The following changes were needed to get KDevelop to run on my system.
My System has egcs 1.1.2 + qt 1.44.

The lexer changes were due to some long token in my sources that could
not be read otherwise.


PS: Pls reply directly as I am not subscribed to the list.

Dominik Strasser	| Phone:  +49 89 636-43691
SIEMENS AG		| Fax:    +49 89 636-42284
ZT SE 4			| E-Mail:Dominik.Strasser at mchp.siemens.de
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6	|
D-81739 Muenchen	|
-------------- next part --------------
diff -u kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser/ClassParser.cc kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser.n/ClassParser.cc
--- kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser/ClassParser.cc	Tue Jul 27 16:25:47 1999
+++ kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser.n/ClassParser.cc	Mon Aug  9 15:20:16 1999
@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@
   CParsedParent *aParent; // A parent of this class.
   QString cname;          // Name of inherited class.
-  int export=-1;          // Parent import status(private/public/protected).
+  int Export=-1;          // Parent import status(private/public/protected).
   // Add parents until we find a {
   while( lexem != '{' && lexem != 0 )
@@ -981,10 +981,10 @@
     // For classes with no scope identifier at inheritance.
     if( lexem == ID )
-      export = PRIVATE;
+      Export = PRIVATE;
     else if( lexem == PUBLIC || lexem == PROTECTED || lexem == PRIVATE )
-      export = lexem;
+      Export = lexem;
@@ -996,11 +996,11 @@
     // Add the parent.
-    if( export != -1 )
+    if( Export != -1 )
       aParent = new CParsedParent();
       aParent->setName( cname );
-      aParent->setExport( export );
+      aParent->setExport( Export );
       aClass->addParent( aParent );
diff -u kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser/Makefile.in kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser.n/Makefile.in
--- kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser/Makefile.in	Mon Aug  2 03:06:23 1999
+++ kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser.n/Makefile.in	Tue Aug 10 13:15:41 1999
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
 tokenizer.cc: tokenizer.l
-	$(LEX) -+ tokenizer.l && mv lex.yy.cc tokenizer.cc
+	$(LEX) -+f tokenizer.l && mv lex.yy.cc tokenizer.cc
 # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
 # Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff -u kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser/ParsedParent.cc kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser.n/ParsedParent.cc
--- kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser/ParsedParent.cc	Tue Mar 30 11:59:08 1999
+++ kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser.n/ParsedParent.cc	Tue Aug 10 13:20:10 1999
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
   assert( aExport == PUBLIC || aExport == PRIVATE || aExport == PROTECTED );
-  export = aExport;
+  Export = aExport;
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
   cout << "    " << name << "(";
-  switch(export)
+  switch(Export)
     case PUBLIC:
       cout << "public";
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
   dataStr = "";
-  switch(export)
+  switch(Export)
     case PUBLIC:
       dataStr += "public";
diff -u kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser/ParsedParent.h kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser.n/ParsedParent.h
--- kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser/ParsedParent.h	Fri Jun 11 19:35:40 1999
+++ kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser.n/ParsedParent.h	Tue Aug 10 13:30:05 1999
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
   QString name;
   /** Export type of the inheritance */
-  int export;
+  int Export;
 public: // Public methods to set attribute values
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@
   void out();
 public: // Public queries
-  bool isPublic()    { return ( export == PUBLIC ); }
-  bool isProtected() { return ( export == PROTECTED ); }
-  bool isPrivate()   { return ( export == PRIVATE ); }
+  bool isPublic()    { return ( Export == PUBLIC ); }
+  bool isProtected() { return ( Export == PROTECTED ); }
+  bool isPrivate()   { return ( Export == PRIVATE ); }
diff -u kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser/tokenizer.l kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser.n/tokenizer.l
--- kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser/tokenizer.l	Fri Jul 23 15:51:04 1999
+++ kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/classparser.n/tokenizer.l	Tue Aug 10 13:18:54 1999
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
     int yyinput() { return yyFlexLexer::yyinput(); }
+    using yyFlexLexer::yylineno;
   int cont=0;           /* Continue parsing defines. */
-  int line_num=1;       /* Counter for the current line being parsed         */
   int comment_start=0;  /* Line where a comment starts (for nested comments) */
   /* Function prototypes */
@@ -51,7 +51,9 @@
-%option yylineno
+%option noreject
+%option noyylineno
     /*==============> Strip whitespace <==============*/
 {WS}         {}
@@ -128,13 +130,13 @@
 {NUM}        {return NUM;}
     /*==============> Inrease the line counter at CR <==============*/
-"\n"         {line_num++;}
+"\n"         {yylineno++;}
     /*==============> Skip preprocessor directives <==============*/   
 "#"[acdeimpsuw ]     eatPreparser((MyLexer *)this);
     /*==============> Strip // comments <==============*/
-"//"(.)*[\n<<EOF>>] {line_num++;}
+"//"(.)*[\n<<EOF>>] {yylineno++;}
     /*==============> Strip comments <==============*/
 "/*"                 eatComment((MyLexer *)this);
@@ -169,6 +171,7 @@
       case '\n':
         done = !cont;
         cont = false;
+	lex->yylineno++;
       case '/':
         foundSlash = true;
@@ -210,6 +213,8 @@
       case EOF:
         done = 1;
+      case '\n':
+	lex->yylineno++;
         asteriscFound = 0;
--- kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/ckdevelop_noslot.cpp	Sat Jul 31 08:07:36 1999
+++ kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/ckdevelop_noslot.cpp.new	Mon Aug  9 15:31:22 1999
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
   char ch;
   int i;
   bool bFound;
-  char *szChangingChars= (bForGrep) ? "[]\\^$" : "$^*[]|()\\;,#<>-.~{}" ;
+  const char *szChangingChars= (bForGrep) ? "[]\\^$" : "$^*[]|()\\;,#<>-.~{}" ;
   while ((ch=*szOldText++)!='\0')
--- kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/ckdevinstall.cpp	Sun Aug  1 23:28:34 1999
+++ kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/ckdevinstall.cpp.new	Tue Aug 10 09:59:33 1999
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@
   main_frame = new QFrame( this, "Frame_2" );
 	main_frame->setGeometry( 10, 10, 500, 290 );
-		QColorGroup normal( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(128) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
-		QColorGroup disabled( QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ) );
-		QColorGroup active( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
+		QColorGroup normal( QColor( 0U ), QColor( 128U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 16777215U ) );
+		QColorGroup disabled( QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 12632256U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 12632256U ) );
+		QColorGroup active( QColor( 0U ), QColor( 12632256U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 16777215U ) );
 		QPalette palette( normal, disabled, active );
 		main_frame->setPalette( palette );
@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@
 	welcome_label = new QLabel( this, "Label_2" );
 	welcome_label->setGeometry( 40, 30, 440, 40 );
-		QColorGroup normal( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(8388608) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
-		QColorGroup disabled( QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ) );
-		QColorGroup active( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
+		QColorGroup normal( QColor( 0U ), QColor( 8388608U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 16777215U ) );
+		QColorGroup disabled( QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 12632256U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 12632256U ) );
+		QColorGroup active( QColor( 0U ), QColor( 12632256U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 16777215U ) );
 		QPalette palette( normal, disabled, active );
 		welcome_label->setPalette( palette );
@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@
 	qt_label = new QLabel( this, "Label_3" );
 	qt_label->setGeometry( 40, 100, 220, 30 );
-		QColorGroup normal( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(128) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
-		QColorGroup disabled( QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ) );
-		QColorGroup active( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
+		QColorGroup normal( QColor( 0U ), QColor( 128U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 16777215U ) );
+		QColorGroup disabled( QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 12632256U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 12632256U ) );
+		QColorGroup active( QColor( 0U ), QColor( 12632256U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 16777215U ) );
 		QPalette palette( normal, disabled, active );
 		qt_label->setPalette( palette );
@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@
 /*	kde_label = new QLabel( this, "Label_4" );
 	kde_label->setGeometry( 40, 140, 220, 30 );
-		QColorGroup normal( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(128) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
-		QColorGroup disabled( QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ) );
-		QColorGroup active( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
+		QColorGroup normal( QColor( 0U ), QColor( 128U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 16777215U ) );
+		QColorGroup disabled( QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 12632256U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 12632256U ) );
+		QColorGroup active( QColor( 0U ), QColor( 12632256U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 16777215U ) );
 		QPalette palette( normal, disabled, active );
 		kde_label->setPalette( palette );
@@ -225,9 +225,9 @@
 	hint_label = new QLabel( this, "Label_5" );
 	hint_label->setGeometry( 40, 100, 440, 170 );
-	  QColorGroup normal( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
-	  QColorGroup disabled( QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ) );
-	  QColorGroup active( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
+	  QColorGroup normal( QColor( 0U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 16777215U ) );
+	  QColorGroup disabled( QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 12632256U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 12632256U ) );
+	  QColorGroup active( QColor( 0U ), QColor( 12632256U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 10789024U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 16777215U ) );
 	  QPalette palette( normal, disabled, active );
 	  hint_label->setPalette( palette );
--- kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/ktipofday.cpp	Sat Jul 24 17:48:34 1999
+++ kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/ktipofday.cpp.new	Tue Aug 10 13:34:00 1999
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@
 		did_know_label->setFont( font );
-		QColorGroup normal( QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ) );
-		QColorGroup disabled( QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ) );
-		QColorGroup active( QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ) );
+		QColorGroup normal( QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 0U ) );
+		QColorGroup disabled( QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 8421504U ), QColor( 0U ) );
+		QColorGroup active( QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 0U ), QColor( 16777215U ), QColor( 0U ) );
 		QPalette palette( normal, disabled, active );
 		did_know_label->setPalette( palette );
--- kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/kwrite/kwdialog.cpp	Tue Aug 10 13:35:46 1999
+++ kdevelop-1.0beta1/kdevelop/kwrite/kwdialog.cpp.new	Mon Aug  9 14:56:51 1999
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qobjectlist.h>
 #include <qbttngrp.h>
 #include <qpushbt.h>
 #include <qobjcoll.h>

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