KDE and KDevelop
Torsten Reuss
t.reuss at topmail.de
Thu Aug 5 21:27:49 BST 1999
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to testcompile kdevelop here in our environment and got the following message after typing ./configure --prefix=/local/pkg/kdevelop/1.0b1 --exec-prefix=/local/pkg/kdevelop/1.0b1/LINUXintel
checking for KDE... configure: error:
in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE libraries installed. This will fail.
So, check this please and use another prefix!
Well, no my kde libraries are not in the prefix directory, they are in $KDEDIR/lib where they belong. I'm even sym-linking them to a directory which is listed in ld.so.conf, so why in the world should they be in the same directory as the Kdevelop files.
Is there really a deeper meaning in this, or is it just a cheap way to avoid beginners problems of not setting KDEDIR/having $KDEDIR/lib in ld.so.conf of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
For people who are wondering why I make such a fuzz about it don't just install KDE and KDevelop in the same directory: I am maintaining about 300 packages here for 5 different architectures. I really want to still know what library comes from what package, therefor I am compiling and installing every package in it's own directory and create symbolic links to /local/bin and /local/lib which are in the path. It's a wonderful system and I don't appreciate that many projects are making it more difficult than necessary.
Kind Regards,
Torsten Reuss
Torsten Reuss, Oy Comptel Ab (_\_|___|_/_)
Ruoholahdenkatu 4, FIN-00180 HELSINKI, Finland ____/\__(o o)
Telephone: +358 9 700 11 307 / _\ /
Fax: +358 9 700 11 375 #|_____|_/ O
Email: t.reuss at topmail.de | \ | \
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