gcc 2.95 build -- export keyword

Christopher Baus christopher at baus.net
Wed Aug 4 08:13:59 BST 1999

Hi all,

I just downloaded the beta sources, and have been trying to get
a build up.  I apologize if this has already been gone over (I just
subscribed to mail list), but I also recently upgraded to gcc 2.95.

It seems 2.95 is a bit more strict on the C++ standard by default.  It 
is balking on the use of export as a variable name.  Specifically in 
classparser/ParsedParent.h. There is a member variable named 

The compiler warns:
keyword 'export' not implemented and will be ignored

it then doesn't define the variable which of course leads to
errors down the road.  

I like the project though.  I'm willing to help flush out some bugs 


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