KDevelop problems suitable for a Ph.D. thesis

Igor Kushnir igorkuo at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 13:18:18 BST 2024

Hi everyone!

I am urgently looking for a computer science Ph.D. thesis theme. I'd like to 
solve some important and challenging KDevelop problem(s), write scientific 
papers and a thesis about them. Any ideas?

I have considered integrating Language Server Protocol (LSP). But based on 
, https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/overviews/lsp/overview/ 
, I conclude that proper integration into existing KDevelop language/duchain 
framework is impossible. For one thing, a LSP server reply does not 
group/structure declarations in nested scopes, which is necessary to fill 
duchain context hierarchy. LSP can be integrated separately from duchain, 
similarly to but more thoroughly than Kate's LSP plugin, which could be a very 
good starting point. However, I expect such an undertaking to consist almost 
exclusively of plugin/library/protocol integration work rather than interesting 
new algorithms or algorithm improvements/adaptations worthy of scientific papers.

The following two merge requests represent my KDevelop work that comes closest 
to what I am looking for: 
https://invent.kde.org/kdevelop/kdevelop/-/merge_requests/224 and 
https://invent.kde.org/kdevelop/kdevelop/-/merge_requests/118 . But both are 
fairly small and mostly complete. Not much need or room for improvement is left 

Thank you,

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