New release coordinator wanted for KDevelop 5.5

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Mon Nov 4 19:14:40 GMT 2019


looking into the future, I see myself will not have time & concentration 
reserved to care for doing further KDevelop releases (or other contributions) 
for now.
5.4.5 in December & 5.4.6 in January would be the last releases I plan to do 
still (given new commits of course).
The time window where I could pay back by adding my bits on improving this 
good code editing tool named KDevelop sadly closes for now, other priorities 
have been growing over, and it currently works "good enough" for me :)

So if you, dear (even if only aspiring) contributor, ever have considered to 
step up and take some responsibility where it is needed, this is now when :)
Poke the official KDevelop maintainers while they are around ;)

Do you need to be special or have lots of time to do releases? No.
Doing a complete release from tarring to announcement, once having done the 
first and taking notes relative to personal setup, can just take as little as 
half an hour thanks to lots of scripts, if all works well (just don't do when 
tired ;) ). is the place where any 
KDevelop release dudes have been trading their raw "secret" sauce recipe, from 
which one then can do their own flavoured script.
And packagers are friendly, they will help you to do proper doses where 
needed, so you can become a proper release cook quickly.

Also sorry for not having done any review work for a while, even where 
promised. Which is a shame given some interesting and possibly well done 
patches are waiting on
and some also still on phabricator.

Perhaps KDevelop needs to officially pass on to the new generation of 
developers, like those who did those patches should step up and enter the 
bridge of the KDevelop ship and take steering duties :)

But your call, as I have now hereby entered into the schedule my deboarding in 
the next weeks. I will leave a suitcase somewhere though ;)


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