Creating Language Plugin not used for new language

Roland Plüss roland at
Thu Jul 12 17:57:24 BST 2018

Hi Friedrich,

That helped. The create method is now called. Went on to deal with the
kdev-qt-pg stuff. Still fighting with it since the doc is lacking and
I'm more guessing around trying to figure out how this thing works.
Something still doesn't compile yet but I think it's getting there.
Adding at least some minimalistic documentation would help.

- Roland

On 07/11/2018 05:12 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Hi Roland,
> Am Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2018, 16:54:44 CEST schrieb Roland Pluess:
>> I'm trying to make a language plugin for my own language I used in projects
> I applaud such efforts :)
>> What else do I need to to to get my language plugin being used for source
>> files with the right extension? There exists no mime-type for this language
>> in the system obviously so can this be done by using file extensions?
> IIRC no, the related code relies on QMimeDatabase having the related MIME type 
> definition (which at least on Linux/*BSD uses xdg's sharedmimeinfo).
> But compare the things done for initial CUDA/OpenCL support by installing 
> matching custom MIME type definitions at the end of
> --- 8< ---
> update_xdg_mimetypes(${KDE_INSTALL_MIMEDIR})
> --- 8< ---
> with the MIME type definitions being
> See 
> for more info about how to write your own MIME type 
> definitions as usable with xdg's sharedmimeinfo.
> For that custom type definition installation to work, you will need 
> SharedMimeInfo macros included, so have this in the toplevel CMakeLists.txt:
> --- 8< ---
> find_package(SharedMimeInfo REQUIRED)
> --- 8< ---
> That should get you started hopefully. Such definition should also allow 
> having proper things elsewhere, like matching icons in the file manager/dialog 
> (once added) :)
> Cheers
> Friedrich

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Plüss Roland

Leader und Head Programmer
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- Game Engine: Drag[en]gine (
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- Sowie verschiedene Blender Export-Skripts und Game-Tools

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