Creating Language Plugin not used for new language

Roland Plüss roland at
Sat Aug 11 17:05:22 BST 2018

I create now the Highlighting class similar to python plugin but no
highlighting happens and no classes show up in the class panel.

That said you mentioned declarations. I've create DUChain contexts with
type Class and Interface. That's not enough then?

On 08/11/2018 03:23 PM, Sven Brauch wrote:
> On Saturday, 11 August 2018 15:18:04 CEST Roland Plüss wrote:
>> No, this one is not implemented so far. That would explain the
>> highlighting but why does the DUChain not show up for example in the
>> class outline panel?
> I don't know, do you create class types which are attached to class 
> declarations ...?
> Greetings,
> Sven

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Plüss Roland

Leader und Head Programmer
- Game: Epsylon ( )
- Game Engine: Drag[en]gine (
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- Sowie verschiedene Blender Export-Skripts und Game-Tools

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