D5584: Introduction of runtimes
Milian Wolff
noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun May 14 11:00:09 UTC 2017
mwolff requested changes to this revision.
mwolff added a comment.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.
overall looks OK to me, mostly nitpicks. I can't comment on the docker/flatpack magic as this goes beyond my knowledge in that area. Also make sure that the docker/flatpak plugins are only installed on linux.
> iruntime.h:70
> + */
> + virtual Path pathInRuntime(const Path& localPath) = 0;
> +
> iruntime.h:76
> + */
> + virtual Path pathInHost(const Path& runtimePath) = 0;
> +
> iruntime.h:84
> + */
> + virtual void setEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
> +
how is this supposed to be used? the API isn't straight-forward, i.e. why is this protected? Why do I call it on this class instead of something like `controller->setEnabled(theRuntime)`?
> iruntimecontroller.h:50
> + /**
> + * Makes @p runtimes available to be used.
> + */
is ownership being transferred here?
> iruntimecontroller.h:52
> + */
> + virtual void addRuntimes(const QVector<KDevelop::IRuntime*> &runtimes) = 0;
> +
do we usually add multiple ones in a go? I'd expect when the user adds _a_ runtime, it's only one - so having an add function that does not take a vector would be good to have.
also, are we never removing runtimes?
> backgroundparser.cpp:592
> + qCDebug(LANGUAGE) << "BackgroundParser::addDocument" << url.toUrl();
> +// Q_ASSERT(isValidURL(url));
> QMutexLocker lock(&d->m_mutex);
unrelated change(s) (also below)
> outputexecutejob.cpp:109
> - Q_ASSERT( d->m_process->state() == QProcess::NotRunning || !killSuccessful );
> + Q_ASSERT( d->m_process->state() != QProcess::Running || !killSuccessful );
> delete d;
out of interest: why is this required? what state is the process in?
> outputexecutejob.cpp:307
> }
> +
> d->m_status = JobCanceled;
> outputexecutejob.h:225
> + void setExecuteOnHost(bool executeHost);
> + bool executeOnHost() const;
please add api dox and link to the runtime stuff
> dockerplugin.cpp:59
> + QProcess* process = new QProcess(this);
> + connect(process, QOverload<int>::of(&QProcess::finished), this, &DockerPlugin::imagesListFinished);
> + process->start(QStringLiteral("docker"), {QStringLiteral("images"), QStringLiteral("--filter"), QStringLiteral("dangling=false"), QStringLiteral("--format"), QStringLiteral("{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}\t{{.ID}}")}, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
QOverload is 5.8 only, afaik we support older versions - please do the cast manually
> dockerplugin.cpp:75
> +
> + QProcess* process = qobject_cast<QProcess*>(sender());
> + Q_ASSERT(process);
if you'd make this whole function a lambda and inline it above into the connect, you could capture the process directly, removing the need to call sender()
> dockerplugin.cpp:88
> + if (!runtimes.isEmpty())
> + ICore::self()->runtimeController()->addRuntimes(runtimes);
> + process->deleteLater();
so the runtime controller takes ownership?
> dockerplugin.cpp:96
> +
> + for(auto action: actionCollection()->actions())
> + action->setEnabled(isDocker);
please add braces and a space after `for`
> dockerplugin.cpp:145
> +
> + ICore::self()->runtimeController()->addRuntimes({ new DockerRuntime(name) });
> + });
this is why I was expecting - we want a `addRuntime(new DockerRuntime(name))` here, i.e. no vector
> dockerplugin.h:31
> +{
> +public:
> dockerpreferences.h:30
> + public:
> + explicit DockerPreferences(KDevelop::IPlugin* plugin, KCoreConfigSkeleton* config, QWidget* parent = nullptr);
from here on until below: deindent one level
> dockerruntime.cpp:53
> + connect(process, static_cast<void(QProcess::*)(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)>(&QProcess::finished), this, [process, this](int code, QProcess::ExitStatus status){
> + qDebug() << "inspect" << code << status;
> + if (code || status)
categorized logging, and output a warning when something goes wrong?
> dockerruntime.cpp:69
> + if (enable) {
> + m_userUpperDir = KDevelop::Path(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation) + "/docker-" + QString(m_tag).replace('/', '_'));
> + QDir().mkpath(m_userUpperDir.toLocalFile());
can you add some comments that outline what this is doing?
> dockerruntime.cpp:72
> +
> + const QStringList cmd = {"pkexec", "bindfs", "--map=root/"+qgetenv("USER"), m_upperDir.toLocalFile(), m_userUpperDir.toLocalFile() };
> + QProcess p;
qgetenv(USER)? Don't we have KDE api for this? I doubt this would work on windows, but then again - most of the commands here don't work on windows. make sure this whole plugin isn't compiled on windows?
> dockerruntime.cpp:76
> + p.waitForFinished();
> + if (p.exitCode())
> + qCDebug(DOCKER) << "bindfs returned" << m_upperDir << m_userUpperDir << cmd << p.exitCode() << p.readAll();
braces please
> dockerruntime.cpp:95
> +
> + for(IProject* project: ICore::self()->projectController()->projects()) {
> + const Path path = project->path();
> dockerruntime.cpp:102
> + const auto ibsm = project->buildSystemManager();
> + if (ibsm)
> + ret << "--volume" << QStringLiteral("%1:%2").arg(ibsm->buildDirectory(project->projectItem()).toLocalFile(), buildDir + path.lastPathSegment());
> dockerruntime.cpp:103
> + if (ibsm)
> + ret << "--volume" << QStringLiteral("%1:%2").arg(ibsm->buildDirectory(project->projectItem()).toLocalFile(), buildDir + path.lastPathSegment());
> + }
concat manually instead of using %1:%2?
> dockerruntime.h:29
> +
> +class DockerRuntime : public KDevelop::IRuntime
> +{
I think having a good apidox here is crucial so that others understand what this is doing. i.e. some short explanation of the concepts to get the path mapping etc.
> flatpakruntime.cpp:75
> +{
> + QDir(m_buildDirectory.toLocalFile()).removeRecursively();
> +}
/me hopes this never deletes $HOME or anything like that accidentally... could this instead use a temporary dir to make sure it's not some pre-existing user-path?
> flatpakruntime.h:29
> +
> +class FlatpakRuntime : public KDevelop::IRuntime
> +{
dito for having apidox outlining the core concepts
> flatpakruntime.h:40
> +
> + void startProcess(KProcess *process) override;
> + void startProcess(QProcess *process) override;
why both K and Q process?
> flatpakruntime.h:48
> + KJob* rebuild();
> + QList<KJob*> exportBundle(const QString &path);
> + KJob* executeOnDevice(const QString &host, const QString &path);
> runtimecontroller.cpp:39
> + connect(process, &QProcess::errorOccurred, this, [process](QProcess::ProcessError error) {
> + qWarning() << "error!!!" << error << process->program();
> + });
remove the "error!!!", also below - it's already a warning. but do print the processes error string
R33 KDevPlatform
To: apol, #kdevelop, mwolff
Cc: mwolff, anthonyfieroni, kossebau, geetamc, kdevelop-devel
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