kdevelop-pg-qt 2.1.0 released

Kevin Funk kfunk at kde.org
Thu Jul 27 09:33:09 UTC 2017

Hello everyone,

kdevelop-pg-qt (the parser generator) version 2.1.0 was just released.

The most interesting changes are a couple of compiles fixes. And the internal 
copy of Astyle was updated to the latest 1.x release.

Distro packagers: An upgrade from 2.0.0 is encouraged.

Detailed change log:

- DebugVisitor: catch and show invalid token indizes.
  (commit. code review D6013)
- Update to Astyle 1.24 (latest 1.x release).
  (commit. code review D5326)
- Add asserts to some TokenStreamBase methods, protect against out-of-bounds.  
  (commit. code review D6012)
- Fix compile warnings with clang.
  (commit. code review D5125)
- Fix yymore_used_but_not_detected undefined issue. 
  (commit. code review #129766. fixes bug #374523)



Kevin Funk | kfunk at kde.org | http://kfunk.org
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