Status of Memory view?
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau at
Mon Jan 16 19:31:49 UTC 2017
Am Montag, 16. Januar 2017, 20:20:31 CET schrieb Friedrich W. H. Kossebau:
> Hi Morten,
> Am Montag, 16. Januar 2017, 22:45:25 CET schrieb Morten Volden:
> > If not, I might be interested in taking on the job if someone can point me
> > in the right(ish) direction.
> I would (of course) recommend to make use of the basic Okteta libs here,
> which are liboktetacore and liboktetagui (with some version ids added).
> They follow roughly the pattern of QTextDocument and QTextView.
> (Ignore any of Kasten libs coming with Okteta, Kasten is an additional
> (unfinished) framework for which an Okteta extension is done. That one also
> made sense with the hex editor plugin for KDevelop. But for this use-case
> the overhead might be big and also limiting).
> Sadly there is no tutorial, and for some API dox the best available is
> looking at all the classes in the Okteta namespace at
> Minimal starting code would be something like:
> CMake:
> FindPackage(OktetaGui REQUIRED)
> target_link_libraries(... OktetaGui)
> C++:
> #include <Okteta/ByteArrayColumnView>
> #include <Okteta/ByteArrayModel>
> Okteta::ByteArrayModel* model = new Okteta::ByteArrayModel;
> Okteta::ByteArrayColumnView* widget = new
> Okteta::ByteArrayColumnView(parent); widget->setByteArrayModel(model);
> Perhaps one of the existing model classes is good enough, like the
> ByteArrayModel, or you would subclass your own:
> classOkteta_1_1AbstractByteArrayModel.html
For a reference also see how the old Okteta plugin for the KHexEdit interfaces
was implemented, that might speed you up:
The API of the Okteta classes should not have changed a lot since then.
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