place markers in the outline navigator drop-down

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Sat Oct 29 18:04:09 UTC 2016


I've brought this up before as a general idea, which I think was received not too badly.

Apple's Xcode has a feature where one can add lines like

#pragma mark ==== This is where we start to do funny things ====

which will add the remark to the outline navigator, between the other entries that are obtained through the syntax parser.

This can be pretty useful, esp. if it also works for larger documents with content that doesn't have a syntax parser.

How difficult would it be to implement such a feature for KDevelop too? I have a feeling it might not be trivial to get these entries in at the right place if the outline is obtained via the clang parser nowadays, not to mention the fact it would require doing an additional parsing step of the document.
Is the underlying API accessible enough when you dont already have intimate knowledge of central KDevelop functioning?


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