Problem with commit "Improved StatusbarProgressDidget that looks better on OS X and Linux"

Sven Brauch mail at
Thu Oct 27 18:17:38 UTC 2016

Why 2 pixels? Sounds like twice the size of some margin or border, which
might have a different width on linux.


On 10/27/2016 07:22 PM, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> Sigh. If no one offers a brilliant insight what can be going on here,
> I'll just revert my patch. I'd keep using it myself because the small
> bar resize doesn't actually bother me. If one day I find the solution
> I'll recommit.
> Unless, as I said, someone can point me to a fail-proof method to
> give that bar the proper height whether the progressbar widget is
> visible or not.
> FWIW, I have the thing behaving correctly on OS X by scaling down the
> icon by 2 additional pixels. For some #)$$ reason that doesn't work
> on Linux.
> R.

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