GSOC 2015

Maciej Poleski d82ks8djf82msd83hf8sc02lqb5gh5 at
Sat May 30 13:18:15 UTC 2015

Dnia sobota, 30 maja 2015 14:37:46 piszesz:
> Both are issues. So I still fear that a separate binary will be the final 
> solution.
> Thinking a bit more about it though: If you feel uncomfortable with this, feel 
> free to ignore this and just try to link against libTooling from inside kdev-
> clang directly. Then you'll have to work in a sperate branch and we can think 
> about how we integrate this mess in the long run.

In this case separate binary is indeed better solution. I'll try to make these tools available in some separate shared library (this time with specially designed stable ABI just for KDevelop) which can be used then to make standalone-executable or dlopen-ed (possibly by Qt plugin system) from kdev-clang for tighter integration (same process).


Best Regards
Maciej Poleski

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