
Kevin Funk kfunk at kde.org
Wed Aug 5 16:46:12 UTC 2015

On Wednesday 05 August 2015 17:40:20 Sven Brauch wrote:
> On 05/08/15 15:05, Kevin Funk wrote:
> > @Scummos: Opinions?
> Whenever I look at a plugin like this, I really hate the fact that we
> have like 8 source files (no exaggeration, count them) for 2 line edits
> where you can enter an option. Maybe we should really have an easier way
> for such small plugins to make stuff configurable (interface with a
> function which returns a widget and a signal when something is changed,
> or whatever)?

Right, it's overkill.

We could do it QML-only like it's being done for KCM modules:

Never tried it myself, but there's a QML adaptor for KConfigXT 
(ConfigPropertyMap or something). We would just need to write some glue code in 
order to load the QML files as config pages.

That would be way more comfortable. Anyone with spare time...?


> Other than that (which is sort of unrelated :)), I have no objections to
> moving this to the kdev-python repo, I think it would be a welcome addition.
> All the best,
> Sven

Kevin Funk | kfunk at kde.org | http://kfunk.org
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