Review Request 122161: Fallback to TU url when looking for a cached ParseSession.

Sergey Kalinichev at
Mon Apr 20 07:44:11 UTC 2015

> On April 18, 2015, 7:18 p.m., Milian Wolff wrote:
> > any input on this?

I don't know. It feels wrong that code-completion is now responsible for such tasks as: which sessionData to choose for code-completion, especially when we already have a very similar code in the ClangParseJob which should select the right session data for header files. 
   So, for me it looks like the bug is somewhere within the ClangParseJob which doesn't attach the right parse session data to header files... Or maybe I simply don't understand how this thing suppose to work.

   Also I begin to wonder whether this pin TU feature is the right thing. Because now re-parsing and code-completion in header files takes significantly more time then in cpp files. E.g. when code-completion invoked in a header file with a TU for cpp file, code completion for me can easily take 4-6 (and even more!) seconds. This is how much time it takes Clang to reparse the document (so there is probably nothing we can do about it). I believe it happens because when you edit a header file with TU for a cpp file, Clang can't use internally precompiled PCH to make a quick reparse (as it does when you edit a cpp file), so it has to reparse some (the currently edited and maybe even all other) header files and the cpp file, which takes significantly more time, than simply reparsing a header file. 
   So I'm actually thinking about switching back to the old approach: each opened in editor file has it's own TU. What do you think?

- Sergey

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On Jan. 20, 2015, 4:09 a.m., Milian Wolff wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Jan. 20, 2015, 4:09 a.m.)
> Review request for KDevelop.
> Repository: kdev-clang
> Description
> -------
> This makes code completion in headers work more reliably when they
> are opened after the .cpp file. The other way around its still
> broken though :(
> I wonder whether we should keep the last N TU's alive and use that
> instead of abusing the AST attached to the context...
> Diffs
> -----
>   clangsupport.cpp f4f49b079d52462cfb0d56086780751605a6ab46 
>   codecompletion/model.h 961bdf5cc4a33a9b41cea0cc8c81f0ecfb647b1f 
>   codecompletion/model.cpp 0dcf44cdc801f7c4f330b9137e08f4f54da37b9d 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Milian Wolff

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