Building KDevelop/KDevPlatform with clang?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Jan 12 17:45:31 UTC 2014


On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 2:23 PM, Milian Wolff <mail at> wrote:

> On Saturday 11 January 2014 00:33:18 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > since I recall Milian bringing up one or two problems with the KDE cmake
> > scripts and clang I'm wondering wether those are resolved for KDE 4.113
> > already? I happened to try out clang just earlier today and instantly ran
> > into multiple problems in kdevplatform (while kate built just fine):
> I'm building KDev* with clang & ccache on my laptop just fine. What clang
> version do you use? Could you try to run make VERBOSE=1 and verify that
> there
> is _no_ trace of -fdelayed-template-parsing ? That could explain at least
> some
> of the STL issues below.
> Generally, what verison of GCC & clang do you use? I have 4.8.2 and 3.3
> respectively.

Similar versions here, I'd tried to pass -fno-delayed-template-parsing but
that didn't help. I've switches to libc++ for now for building kdevplatform.

> So I'm just wondering wether this is supposed to work and these really are
> > genuine problems in the codebase (which gcc accepts for whatever reason)
> or
> > there's still some general issue with using clang for KDE projects (at
> > least for kdevplatform)?
> It should certainly work. And any issues found by clang I try to fix. If
> you
> spot more, please don't hesitate to report them and/or fix them directly.

Well, this kind of stuff is far beyond me, I wouldn't even know where to
start :) And since this is coming from stl's vector I'd need to fiddle with
system headers.

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