Building KDevelop/KDevPlatform with clang?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Jan 11 13:03:12 UTC 2014


On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 12:48 AM, Alexander Dymo <alex at> wrote:

> At least on MacOS/clang KDevelop compiles fine (except for one libc++
> related patch, see

Well, clang on MacOSX uses libc++, I'm on Debian where I'm using gcc's
libstdc++ and given that the errors originate from the stl headers maybe my
version of clang - in particular with C++11 mode enabled - is not
compatible with gcc 4.8's headers :|

I've at least found some traces that there might be issues because gcc and
clang implement the C++11 standard slightly differently (clang does the
final one, gcc might still be on a earlier version). So far no gcc update
available here unfortunately.

Maybe I can try using libc++-dev instead of libstdc++...

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