Keybindings for documentation popup and "Show uses"

Sven Brauch svenbrauch at
Thu Nov 21 14:55:55 UTC 2013

[Redirecting the mail to the list, since you apparently intended to
send it to everyone. My reply is below.]

2013/11/21 Jon Mease <jon.mease at>:
> Thanks Sven!
>      Alt does work for me to bring up the documentation popup (For anyone
> else reading this you need to hold down the alt key for a few moments before
> the popup appears).  I found a "Find Uses" (not "Show uses") action in the
> configure shortcuts menu but I haven't been able to get it to do anything.
> I've tried binding it to Ctrl+Alt+H and to Ctrl+M and I've tried invoking it
> with the cursor on a variable/method and with a variable/method selected and
> nothing seems to happen.
> Does this action work for others, and is it equivalent to clicking "Show
> uses" in the documentation popup?
> Thanks,
> -Jon

Hmm, actually trying it shows that it doesn't work for me either. It's
probably broken, you should report a bug.


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