KDE Frameworks 5 Switch, When, how, what?

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at absint.com
Sat Nov 9 12:04:29 UTC 2013


KDE Frameworks 5 gets more traction in the last months and perhaps we should plan ahead how
we want to go the 5.x road.

We have a lot of "cleanups" and "fixups" listed for the KTextEditor interfaces we want to do for
the 5.x release and until now I think we have no clear plan when to go for this.

I think Kate/KatePart are at the moment in a relative good state for the 4.x line and not that much stuff is missing
that we actually need to implement in 4.x (beside perhaps some plugin enhancements or bugfixes).

Perhaps we should draft some small timeline for the future when we want to go to switch the main focus
on porting + cleaning for 5.0.

We should coordinate a bit with the KDevelop guys, not sure how their plans for 5.x are, either.

I would propose for Kate, to create some "frameworks" branch in December, in which the idea is to

a) first get it compiling with KDE 5 Frameworks + Qt 5.2
b) then cleanup and fix the stuff in the interfaces

This "frameworks" branch would have no BC/SC requirements until we arrive in the 5.0 Beta phase I think.

"master" should stay KDE 4.x until the last 4.xx release is done and then we can switch that over.

All stuff that goes into master after the frameworks branch is there must be synced to frameworks by
the people doing the change, there won't be an auto-merge by me or someone else I think.

This is just a bit brainstorming to kick this topic off, comments / changes are welcome :P


----------------------------- Dr.-Ing. Christoph Cullmann ---------
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH      Email: cullmann at AbsInt.com
Science Park 1                         Tel:   +49-681-38360-22
66123 Saarbrücken                      Fax:   +49-681-38360-20
GERMANY                                WWW:   http://www.AbsInt.com
Geschäftsführung: Dr.-Ing. Christian Ferdinand
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Saarbrücken, HRB 11234

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