Better support for editing XML and XSL

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Wed Oct 24 18:32:18 UTC 2012

Hi KDevelopers,

congrats to (and thank you for) the latest release, and hope you in Vienna 
have a nice and productive time! I wished I could be with you over there, as I 
have some more needs within KDevelop these days:

I now and then do stuff with XML and XSL, of course as much as possible in 
KDevelop :) And thus I would like to have some more support, wrt code 
completion, schema compliance, infos in tooltips on elements and attributes, 

For XSL I could additionally think of a tool to test what rules would be 
matched for a given element, that would be quite handy.

So, is there anything I can start from, that $search_engine missed?
If not, what plugin templates would I start from for the XML syntax support, 
and which tutorial is the best for me?
Is there any existing plugin which would serve as good code to copy from?


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