Fwd: Issues parsing buildoutput

Peter M. Clausen petermichaelclausen at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 13:15:22 UTC 2012

sorry - I used the wrong list...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter M. Clausen <petermichaelclausen at gmail.com>
Date: 2012/10/15
Subject: Issues parsing buildoutput
To: kdevelop at kdevelop.org


I'm working with kdevelop 4.3.1 (Ubuntu 12.04). I was trying to fix an
issue parsing intel fortran (ifort) build output. I am able to do so in
4.3.1 branch, but not in 4.4. (latest) branch.

Problem using Intel Fortran: "Info" output cannot be 'clicked' on and let
cursor jump to problematic place. "Error" is OK.

I looked into the file
kdevelop-4.3.1/projectbuilders/makebuilder/outputfilters.cpp line 38:
    << ErrorFormat( "fortcom: (.*), line ([0-9]+):(.*)", 1, 2, 3, "intel" )

    << ErrorFormat( "[a-zA-Z]+: [a-zA-Z]+: (.*), line ([0-9]+):(.*)", 1, 2,
3, "intel" )

Thus it will match both following lines:
fortcom: Error: /scratch/var_r_en.f90, line 292: Syntax error, found ')'
when expecting one of: ( <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM>
            if (record_exists==)
fortcom: Info: /scratch/var_r_en.f90, line 101: This variable has not been
used.   [D]
  real D

I tried to look at this in 4.4. branch (
http://anongit.kde.org/kdevplatform/kdevplatform-latest.tar.gz) and it
looks like it has been moved
to: ./kdevplatform/outputview/outputfilteringstrategies.cpp
But here I cant make it work. I've changed the line 88:
    << ErrorFormat( "^fortcom: (Error): (.*), line ([0-9]+):(.*)", 2, 3, 1,
"intel" )
    << ErrorFormat( "^[a-zA-Z]+: [a-zA-Z]+: (.*), line ([0-9]+):(.*)", 1,
2, 3, "intel" )

But it does not work as in 4.3.1. Doing the above change only matches the
first error, not any info or any other errors afterwards. Could someone
please help me here? I was also wondering why "2, 3, 1" should be the new
order of arguments, compare to 4.3.1 branch.

I have never submitted anything to a KDE-project, so I would be thankfull
if someone could point me to a "how to".

Best regards


PS. Keep up the good work on my favorite IDE.
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