File Templates Restructured

Milian Wolff mail at
Wed Nov 28 00:53:29 UTC 2012

Hey all,

I took the liberty to improve our 'create new from template' action for files 
a bit.

I've removed Class/Test as the top level category, instead we now have a 
'Language/Framework' kind of categorization. Reason is that the last used 
category (e.g. C++/Qt) will be preselected when you open up the wizard. Most 
of the time, you'll always stay in the same 'Language/Framework' category for 
a given session I think.

Before, you always had to click around when you wanted to create a class 
followed by a test.

Also, I've added a preview to the selection page, which is quite nice I think.

What do you think? Suggestions? Improvements?

Milian Wolff
mail at
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