disabling splash screen?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Mar 8 21:59:28 UTC 2012

On 08.03.12 21:38:02, Milian Wolff wrote:
> Hey all,
> at least on my machine(s?), the splash screen is just adding flickering noise 
> on startup. I'm thus wondering about what we should so about it:

It shows here for maybe 2 seconds on my laptop (relatively old one by
now but also not very slow).
> a) only show it "delayed", i.e. similar to the progress bar:
> QTimer::singleShot(300, splash, SLOT(show());
> instead of
> splash->show()
> in kdevelop/app/main.cpp

I'd say increase that to a second or maybe even a bit more than that, so
its not shown on todays systems but still gives useful feedback on
low-profile systems which cannot start up kdevelop within 2 seconds.
After all giving some "kdev is starting" feedback was the main purpose
of the splash screen in the first place.

> b) increase the timeout it's shown, e.g. right now we hide it 200ms after 
> initialization is done. If we'd increase that to say 1-2s it makes the startup 
> much nicer I think.

I don't think it makes sense to show a splash screen if the app itself
is already usable.


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