Review Request: Fix bug 308846 Clicking on messages does not move the cursor to that location.
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at
Sat Dec 15 10:06:47 UTC 2012
On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 4:32 AM, Jeremy Murphy
<jeremy.william.murphy at> wrote:
> That's fixed, great, thanks.
> Now, how can I configure the colours? :)
Systemsettings, KDevelop uses the Positive, Neutral, Negative and now
Link text colors for the text in the view.
> I find having both the notice and warning lines of text coming up orange to
> be confusing and distracting. Are those colours configurable somehow?
> Would be difficult to make them so?
Its indeed bogus that warnings and information use the same color
role, they should definitly be different. I've changed it now to use
the Link text color from the color scheme. I think that matches better
than using Active text since its not active itself or new or
something, just something thats clickable to go 'elsewhere' from
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