Review Request: [17/18] Finally refactor main UI

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Aug 12 22:43:14 UTC 2012

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since the two-weeks review period for the plugin are over already I've decided to merge the code into kdevelop. The history has been kept, so it should be possible to re-apply your and my patches from the branch to kdevelop after adjusting the target-path. I'll take care of that once I get around to continue looking into the ui-changes, didn't get to that on the weekend unfortunately.

- Andreas Pakulat

On Aug. 9, 2012, 12:36 p.m., Ivan Shapovalov wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Aug. 9, 2012, 12:36 p.m.)
> Review request for KDevelop and Andreas Pakulat.
> Description
> -------
> Changes done:
> 1) Pass current project to the UI and pathes model.
> -> reasoning: they use it to relativize URLs
> 2) last-item-placeholders in pathes- and includes-model replaced by add*() methods
> -> reasoning: UI will use URL requesters to add new items
> 3) add a persistent (undeleteable; attempts to change its path result in creation of another item) "project root" item to the pathes model
> -> reasoning: usability - many people will want to do common per-project settings
> 4) make project pathes model URL-aware: clean/relativize pathes on adding, introduce custom roles to get full pathes/URLs
> -> reasoning: usability
> UI modifications done:
> 5) replace listview of sub-project pathes with a combobox URL requester
> -> reasoning: less on-screen space
> 6) Replace stacked widget for includes/defines selection with a tab-interface.
> -> reasoning: usability - one can see all choices (includes and defines, maybe language features when they are merged) at once instead of having to open the combobox.
> 7) Use URL requesters and add/remove buttons instead of "Double-Click here..." placeholders.
> -> reasoning: usability - one may select a path without having to type it.
> 8) Add a button to remove selected include/define
> -> reasoning: in comments
> 9) Change various labels and popup texts
> -> reasoning: on-screen readability.
> 10) Clear inner UI on config set rather than before config loading.
> -> reasoning: robustness (when new configuration is selected, UI is cleared and refilled from scratch instead of overwriting old data).
> Diffs
> -----
>   configwidget.h ce9ba32 
>   configwidget.cpp 38bc551 
>   configwidget.ui d411d83 
>   custombuildsystemconfig.h 62901d4 
>   custombuildsystemconfigwidget.h d94e9fc 
>   custombuildsystemconfigwidget.cpp 791b7c7 
>   includesmodel.h debf278 
>   includesmodel.cpp ab42e16 
>   kcm_custombuildsystem.cpp 2f222bf 
>   projectpathsmodel.h d32bb92 
>   projectpathsmodel.cpp 6ee35b7 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Manual testing.
> Screenshots
> -----------
> Before changes
> New UI - idle
> New UI - editing project path
> Thanks,
> Ivan Shapovalov

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