Re: Review Request: Find In Files — Allow depth definition instead of just recursion

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Aug 6 15:36:56 UTC 2012

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I think the change in the .ui file is much too big. I assume you merely replaced the existing checkbox with a spinbox, then the changes in the .ui file should be much smaller and localized to that area. In particular I don't see what exactly changed in it and what was just moved around. Can you try to either remove the non-changes via git or manually edit the original .ui file to change the widget type?

Regarding the test, I think it would be good to add one, but that'll unfortunately require a bit more than just adding some new testdata since as far as I can see there's no test for the flag either right now. And the replace-test which does create files does not look like being able to create subdirs etc. which is needed for a recursive test.

- Andreas Pakulat

On Aug. 4, 2012, 6:18 p.m., Adrián Chaves Fernández wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Aug. 4, 2012, 6:18 p.m.)
> Review request for KDevelop.
> Description
> -------
> I got the Find In Files dialog to allow the user to specify a level of depth for the search instead of just whether it should use full depth (recursion) or none (no recursion).
> This is meant to be my first step in the implementation of Find In Files for (current file and) Included Files ( Just in case I give up with the task before I finish the whole of it, I figured out it would be better to at least send you this bit now, since it is already an enhancement over the current behavior.
> Diffs
> -----
>   plugins/grepview/grepdialog.h d4a1db6 
>   plugins/grepview/grepdialog.cpp d1f4bf7 
>   plugins/grepview/grepfindthread.h b24520c 
>   plugins/grepview/grepfindthread.cpp bc39d87 
>   plugins/grepview/grepjob.h c357b77 
>   plugins/grepview/grepjob.cpp 66df1a9 
>   plugins/grepview/grepwidget.ui 94cfb00 
>   plugins/grepview/tests/findreplacetest.cpp ac0687d 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> I have tested the feature by looking in “kdevplatform” for ‘All Open’ (as in “All Open Files”, one of the optiona locations for Find In Files). I tried with the following depths: Full (-1), 0, 1, 2. Only the first one and the last one gave me a match, for the file kdevplatform(0)/plugins(1)/grepview(2)/grepdialog.cpp.
> I did not write an automated test for the feature, although I did updated the current tests so the changes do not break it.
> Since the current tests do not actually test for different recursion values (only recursion=true), I didn’t feel like spending time on testing the change (specially since I have never written one in C++/Qt before). But if it were considered a requirement to apply the patch, I would give it a try.
> Thanks,
> Adrián Chaves Fernández

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