welcome page woes

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Apr 27 10:27:42 UTC 2012


On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 11:50, Milian Wolff <mail at milianw.de> wrote:

> Hey Aleix,
> here some feedback (the other thread got too big already :P). Sorry I
> didn't
> have time to check this earlier...
> a) on ubuntu machines, one needs to install kdelibs5-experimental-dev
> otherwise kdeclarative.h is not found. Can we get a proper cmake check for
> that please and disable the welcome page otherwise?

I'd say the welcome-page is an integral part of kdevelop, the building
should fail if the libraries are missing.

> b) I get this error:
> Error loading component qrc:/code.qml:22 module
> "org.kde.plasma.components" is
> not installed
> Again, this should be detected somehow and the welcome page disabled
> otherwise. Right now I just see a "white screen of death" which is worse
> than
> the grey thingy before...

I'd say the welcome page is important enough to not have it optional, but
it should work with KDE 4.7/Qt4.7.

Also the code doesn't build with Qt4.7,it uses at least
QUuid::toByteArray() which was only introduced in Qt4.8.

For KDE apps it IMHO makes sense to _not_ run bleeding edge KDE/Qt these
days, since you hardly want to require the latest feature-version
of either just to build the next release of your app.

> c) why is the code in kdevelop? should this not be in kdevplatform (for
> quanta
> in the future e.g.)? Maybe making it a plugin would also make a) and b)
> simpler.


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