JavaScript plugin

Milian Wolff mail at
Wed Apr 18 15:43:04 UTC 2012

On Wednesday 18 April 2012 08:41:08 Tatsh wrote:
> Thanks for the help. I will be looking more at the current plugins then for
> help on building mine.

See below.


> > Sounds good. One big task though might be to get the JS-specific scoping
> > right. Not sure whether that might require special changes in our
> > KDevplatform
> > code since we so far mostly follow the "usual" scoping rules that apply to
> > C-
> > like languages but also work fine for Ruby and Python so far afaiks. But
> > as
> > far as I know, JS is pretty different in that regard.
> I don't know if you have implemented any support for PHP's closures, but
> that also changes scope in a somewhat similar way. The only difference is
> that PHP requires the use() construct to inject variables from the
> outer-scope into the closure (and I think still requires global keyword to
> get global variables). I think if any changes need to be made to KDevelop,
> it would be effective for both JavaScript and PHP. It might even be helpful
> in two other cases: gnu99 C where a closure-like functionality exists, and
> closures in C/Objective-C/C++ (^ returntype (arg1, arg2) { /* body */ }
> syntax (also known as blocks)).

If that is all that's required, then yeah no changes are required b/c the 
above is easily handled via context-imports, e.g.:


BEGIN CONTEXT B # closure e.g.
# now everything visible in A is also visible in B


I was assuming that JavaScript has more differences than that... Thinking 
about it, one thing that comes to mind is esp. the handling of "this". E.g.:

var foo = someObj; = function() {
  // afaiks, this == foo here, or at least you can
  // call and that is the same as

And what about prototypes? :) We'll have to see how our architecture supports 
this, but we can patch it as we need to add support for anything you need.

Anyhow, I think the first hurdle will be to get a proper parser ready. Once we 
have that, the rest shouldn't be too hard. So... create a git repo somewhere 
and start playing around. Once you found a feasible solution to create an AST 
from any *.js file, tell us and we can continue with the actual integration 
into a KDevelop language plugin. Imo you shouldn't worry too much about the 
existing language plugins right now.

Milian Wolff
mail at
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