Auto completion

David Nolden david.nolden.kdevelop at
Sun Oct 2 11:52:31 UTC 2011

2011/10/2 Ciprian Ciubotariu <cheepeero at>:
> On Mon, 2011-09-26 at 20:36 +0200, Baradé wrote:
>> - When implementing member functions auto completion doesn't consider
>> that it is in namespace of some identifiers already:
>> namespace bla
>> {
>> class Haha
>> {
>>         public:
>>                 enum Test
>>                 {
>>                 };
>>                 Test test();
>> };
>> // Here it completes:
>> bla::Haha::Test test()
>> {
>> }
>> // instead of only Haha::Test
>> }
> I am also bumping into this constant minor annoyance. Unfortunately the
> rules of the C++ language are very loose with regard to namespaces, so
> they allow for multiple styles and inconsistencies in referring to names
> across namespaces. The way kdevelop generates it is somewhat the
> "fallback" way, since it works in all situations.
> Say you have class Haha in namespace bla just like a above. You can use
> the following styles for the implementation, either in the .cpp or .hpp
> file:
> 1.
> using namespace bla;
> Haha::test() { ... }
> 2.
> namespace bla {
>  Haha::test() { ... }
> }
> 3.
> bla::Haha::Test() { ... }
> However, bla::Haha is also correct in case 1 because the name bla::Haha
> does exist (even though the using directive imported it into the global
> namespace).
> In case 2 the compiler would look first for bla::bla::Haha, and since
> it's not found it starts another search from the global namespace.
> One implementation to remove the annoyance of deleting the extra bla::
> prefix (like I do) would be to check if the name kdevelop is completing
> is visible from the completion context:
> namespace bla {
>  Haha::   <-- here Haha is visible, so don't qualify
> }
> Haha::     <-- here Haha is only visible via the bla:: prefix
> I might implement and contribute that if I get spare time someday in the
> future.

This is already implemented, but it seems that it sometimes doesn't
work right. It would just need a reproducable minimal test-case and
some debugging.

Greetings, David

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