Review Request: Not possible to select a project target in the "configure launches dialogue"
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at
Thu Mar 3 22:03:57 UTC 2011
On 03.03.11 22:55:23, Gerhard Stengel wrote:
> sorry for not having it shipped so far, but I'm struggeling a bit with git as I've never used it so far and didn't want
> to mess anything up.
> Please find the patch attached.
> Even if it may sound really trivial for you experts I'd appreciate if someone could give me some advice:
> - I created a "feature branch" from the kdevplatform 1.2 branch, commited the changes and merged it back to 1.2. So far
> everything went smoothly. But when I tried to merge it to "master", git tried to merge the whole feature branch which is
> based on 1.2 to master. How can I tell git just to merge a specific commit or some files?
Well, first all, feature branches should be based on master, not the
stable release branch. Second, git does not merge single commits, it
merges branches. And in kdevelop usually the stable branch is merged
into master as a whole every once in a while. There's git cherry-pick in
case one needs to do a backport (i.e. a commit from master needs to be
put into 1.2), but forwardporting is done via git checkout master && git
merge origin/1.2.
> - Which would have been the correct command to finally push it to the kde server? Would I just have to push the 1.2 and
> master branches (of course, I want to keep my trivial feature branch private). What's the meaning of origin/1.2 and
> origin/master?
Pushing is done via git push if you've setup the local branch to track
the remote branch (git checkout -t <remote-branch). If not git will tell
you that it does not know what to push. A more verbose version is
git push origin <branchname>, this will push your local branch called
<branchname> into the remote branch called <branch>.
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