Commit-message linebreaks

Milian Wolff mail at
Sun Jun 26 15:09:55 UTC 2011

On Sunday 26 June 2011 16:54:35 David Nolden wrote:
> @Niko: You've changed the commit-widget to not do automatic linebreaks.
> I find this very annoying, because I think that manual linebreaks are
> something from the last century, I usually only put linebreaks to
> separate paragraphs.
> So the question is: Is it really a _very_ common rule to do manual
> linebreaks in commit messages?

Imo: yes, it is. Esp. considering that the linebreak has a somewhat special 
meaning in GIT even, as the first line is supposed to be a short overview and 
the following paragraph should contain the fullblown description.

Milian Wolff
mail at
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