Review Request: Change default shortcuts for Previous and Next visited contexts to Alt+Left and Alt+Right

Esben Mose Hansen kde at
Mon Jun 20 19:19:40 UTC 2011

On Sunday 19 June 2011 21:47:03 David Nolden wrote:
> Anyway there are enough alternative shortcuts available: What about
> ALT+PGup and ALT+PGdown? While consistency with other applications is
> nice, internal consistency is nicer, so the solution is to simply find
> good alternative shortcuts. Btw. Meta+Left and Meta+Right _are_ nice
> shortcuts imo.

Not on my edge Thinkpad. Meta-Right is apparently eaten by the bios. In 
general, for those machines where "Meta" is mapped to the windows key, meta is 
sort of reserved for the windowing system and might get eaten. Ah, how the 
world longs for a new modifier key!

Alt+PgUp/PgDown are taken by Kate for bookmark navigation, btw.

Kind regards, Esben

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