Unit Testing: make install required - OK?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Jun 11 16:26:52 UTC 2011

On 11.06.11 16:06:13, Milian Wolff wrote:
> Hey all,
> another thing I noticed is that the unit tests currently expect "make install" 
> to be run before running the unit tests. This is required due to the heave 
> plugin based architecture and relying on kbuildsycoca4 etc. pp.
> I can handle that in the unit test script just fine, I just want to ask 
> whether you are aware of this and whether this is OK or not. I'd say having it 
> all cleanly separated would be better, yet I don't see how to do this...

KDE does not support that, so I don't see how we could. kdelibs also has
some tests for which you first need to make install, IIRC, so doing that
is fine IMHO. 

Being able to do a make && make test would be nice, but since the apps
don't run out of the builddir either I don't think its that much of a
problem. At least the tests don't need to be installed.


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