Okteta plugin should (again) build with upcoming Okteta/Kasten libs

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Sat Jun 4 11:07:03 UTC 2011


a short heads-up:
I yesterday reverted the bumping of the ABI version of the Okteta/Kasten 
libs as part of SC 4.7, as the planned changes did not make it in time for 
the freezes and thus no ABI/API break happened.

So the Okteta plugin for KDevelop should now again build also with the 
upcoming Okteta/Kasten libs, while that was skipped for some weeks, as the 
names of the libs had changed.

I hope noone had already started to have the plugin also build against the 
newer lib names, at least could not see any changes in the master branch of 
KDevelop yesterday. If somebody did, should still be useful for a later 
version then, so don't delete :)

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