Plug-in development

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Mon Aug 15 19:56:52 UTC 2011

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 5:05 PM, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:

> On 13.08.11 08:53:57, Tim Climis wrote:
> > I was trying to find out about writing kdevelop language plugins this
> morning,
> > to find out just how involved it might be.  All I found was a suggestion
> on the
> > KDE Forums that someone ask here.  Checking the archives, it looks like
> it was
> > never followed up on.
> >
> > So, I'm wondering how complicated it is to write a language plug-in.  Can
> I
> > get an overview of what's involved? Is there documentation someplace?
>  (I'm
> > thinking about one for ColdFusion, which I use at work, and for which
> there is
> > no good IDE at all)
> The interesting classes are
> and basically anything in the language library:
> There's a chapter about the design and usage of the so-called DUChain
> which is how a language plugin reports the structure of a file to the
> infrastructure. Based on that information the context browser, quickopen
> and navigation work.
> To get that information you'll need to write or find some kind of parser
> for your language and create instances of the various DUChain classes.
> There's some generic docs about plugins in
> but its probably easiest to start from one of the smaller existing
> plugins, like the konsole view.
> I guess for an example language plugin the cmake one or the ruby one
> might be easiest to understand since they only have a small amount of
> duchain-related code afaik. The most extensive example is of course the
> C++ one but it is not really easy to understand for beginners.
> Andreas
> --
> KDevelop-devel mailing list
> KDevelop-devel at

An example of a standard (non-language) plugin can be found in kdeexamples:

It's not a language plugin but can give an idea about how to get started.

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