Re Mail

bijan binaee bijanbina at
Mon Aug 15 15:38:50 UTC 2011

2011/8/15 bijan binaee <bijanbina at>:
> Hi !
> i'm an new member of KDeveleop community.
> i have some idea and want to implementing theme on kdevelop instead just a
> feature request!
> ok i want to work on detect data type in c,c++ language for highlight
> for example in this code :
> //////////////////////////////
> #include <iostream>
> int main(int argc, char** argv)
> {
> ?? myClass Test;
>    std::cout << "hello world";
> ?? return 0;
> }
> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> i want to detect myclass. also struct name are data type!
> so any one can help me where in kdevelop source this feature have to add.
> also i want to chat with one of you to get some info on irc kdevelop
> can anyone help!
> Thanks a lot

>>so, you want to highlight variables based on their type? I don't think
>>you can encode *even more* information in the variable colours than
>> there is right now. It's quite colourful already, isn't it...

Hi Sven
i think you don't understand, my aim is to highlight type not to highlight
variable name
in this code:
void stackdump_g(lua_State* l)
    int i;
    int top = lua_gettop(l);

    printf("total in stack %d\n",top);

    for (i = 1; i <= top; i++)
    {  /* repeat for each level */
        int t = lua_type(l, i);
        switch (t) {
            case LUA_TSTRING:  /* strings */
                printf("string: '%s'\n", lua_tostring(l, i));
            case LUA_TBOOLEAN:  /* booleans */
                printf("boolean %s\n",lua_toboolean(l, i) ? "true" :
            case LUA_TNUMBER:  /* numbers */
                printf("number: %g\n", lua_tonumber(l, i));
            default:  /* other values */
                printf("%s\n", lua_typename(l, t));
        printf("  ");  /* put a separator */
    printf("\n");  /* end the listing */

i want to highlight lua_State in first line ,int in third line,etc

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