Productivity and debugging idea: "session"-tracking system similar to code version tracking systems

Michael Andersson mike.andersson at
Fri Aug 12 17:06:29 UTC 2011

David, I like your notions of branches handling and journeying through git
history. Git is a great system but it is can be cantankerous. However, an
IDE adaptation going beyond mere integration would make it a much more
pleasant experience.

I also would like to mention that though I belong to the "version control
everything" school, in fact the greater part of projects, in particular home
and hobby such, aren't version controlled. Especially for those, a revert
point/show digest functionality would be a highly valuable part of an IDE.


On 12 August 2011 17:43, David Nolden
<david.nolden.kdevelop at>wrote:

> 2011/8/12 Andreas Pakulat <apaku at>:
> > On 12.08.11 17:04:53, Michael Andersson wrote:
> >> I realise that when presenting the idea it sounded like I was asking for
> >> already existing things. Perhaps it is difficult to see the utility of
> my
> >> suggestion from my story without having been me with my bug at that
> >> particular time. In my case the changes, consequences, and potential
> >> positions of the bug reached over a significant number of files, making
> it
> >> difficult to overview.
> >>
> >> In short, what I am proposing boils down to two capabilities inside the
> IDE:
> >>
> >> 1) Being able to set a "revert point" before setting out on a journey of
> >> changes.
> >
> > git checkout journey
> >
> >> 2) Being able to view a single-page digest in a tab of all changes since
> the
> >> revert point.
> >
> > git diff origin...journey
> >
> > Whats missing in KDevelop I guess is the 'digest', i.e. a single
> > document showing you the diff in a nicely formatted way, its possible to
> > get that by putting the diff into a file and load that into kdevelop
> > though.
> I think what we need is a comfortable way to "journey" through a git
> history, by:
> - Selecting a branch, having a list of all its history
> - Allowing to change the whole working-directory to individual states
> in the history of the branch (using a new temporary branch), and
> allowing to inspect individual changes nicely using patch-review,
> compiling, trying out, etc.
> - Allowing to stop the "inspection" by simply switching back to the
> original branch
> Git brings everything that is required, but to make it comfortable, we
> would need some notion of a "Review-Branch" which we are reviewing,
> while actually being on a temporary branch.
> I also often had a wish for such a feature, because it's much easier
> to review changes in the _real_ context rather than just seeing a diff
> in gitk.
> Greetings, David
> --
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> KDevelop-devel at
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