Google Summer of Code

spencerandrewjackson spencerandrewjackson at
Wed Apr 6 08:27:52 UTC 2011

Hi, I will be a rising sophomore this summer, am applying for Google
Summer of Code, and have written up some patches on the reviewboard.
I'm in a university project team, and wound up using some C++0x. I
noticed KDevelop's weaknesses for the new standard, so, while it's a
little out of my comfort zone, I'd be interested in improving C++0x
support. I've started reading,
and working on a proposal, which I should have it done by
tomorrow/later today, barring classes. Are there any other areas of
work which might be as or more valuable for the project? I'm not
adverse to other ideas, and would like to maybe submit more than one
proposal. Thanks.


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