Git Support ready-ness

Nicolás Alvarez nicolas.alvarez at
Mon Sep 6 23:52:30 UTC 2010

On 06/09/2010, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:
> Ideally I wanted to have
> common actions (among all vcs) named similarly in all menus.

Note that in the kde-l10n-es mailing list we found it's hard to find a
translation for some terms that work for both centralized and
distributed version control.

I've seen SVN GUIs translating "Commit" in the same way as Mercurial
GUIs translate "Push", using a word that means "send". The Spanish
translation of KDevelop currently uses that for "Commit", which is
misleading for DVCSs where committing is a completely local operation
that doesn't 'send' anything anywhere.


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