IBuildSystemManager is not a IProjectFileManager anymore

Esben Mose Hansen kde at mosehansen.dk
Fri Oct 22 07:08:25 UTC 2010

On Friday 22 October 2010 08:55:18 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hmm, indeed that creates the 'deadly diamond shape'. Would've been nice
> to find another way (maybe using virtual inheritance would work....), as
> it avoided additional calls to extension() or storing the plugin
> instance. It also made more clear that a buildsystem plugin should also
> imlpement filemanagement for the project, not to mention the
> import/parse functions. 

Well, it is possible. In that case, I think, IProjectManager should inherit 
virtually from IProjectManager. I have only used virtual inheritance once, 

The wikipedia article on the subject is not bad, actually:


kind regards, Esben

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