Rename Assistant

Olivier JG olivier.jg at
Thu Oct 21 13:41:19 UTC 2010

  Writing to send in the current iteration of the RenamingAssistant 
(attached). It doesn't yet do the DUChain stopping for a couple reasons:
1. I have to create a new and updated PersistentMovingRange when the 
changes are adjacent to it (ie, decl -> declRenamed)
2. The only advantage at the moment is delaying the call to uses() until 
after the assistant is called
3. See known issue #3

Known issues include:
1. Doesn't rename both sides (definition/declaration) of a function's 
name or arguments (uses() doesn't give me those)
2. I've seen the range for the declaration given by itemUnderCursor be 
really strange in certain situations (which means you won't be offered a 
3. The DocumentChangeSet won't apply (gives errors) until the document 
has been reparsed, so the assistant waits until then to offer (would be 
really nice to be offered instantly)

So, here it is, let me know if there's a better way to do anything. I'd 
especially like to hear about the Known Issues of course.

-Olivier JG
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