Patch: TODO highlighting in comments

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Oct 16 17:54:23 UTC 2010

On 16.10.10 17:13:17, Milian Wolff wrote:
> On Thursday 14 October 2010 22:27:52 Dmitry Risenberg wrote:
> We need:
> - overview of errors in current document
> - overview of all documents in opened projects/documents with errors
> have a checkbox to not show errors from included files, like e.g. in iostream 
> or others. Those are imo mainly interesting for us developers finding bugs or 
> for users when they want to report a bug.

Yes, every IDE I've used so far has two views, one which shows
errors/warnings. That is stuff you really should pay attention to,
usually called 'problems' or something similar. And another one which is
there for stuff like TODO, FIXME often called 'Tasks' or 'Todo'.
Additionally we should have ways of filtering in either or at least some
grouping, for example by project.

Also its IMHO completely bogus that C++ support adds errors/warnings
from files outside of the project. Sure we definetly want a way to see
such errors somehow to be able to debug problems in the C++ support. But
that must not be the same as the view that users of KDevelop use to find
out where errors/warnings in their projects are.


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