
Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Oct 15 18:29:55 UTC 2010

On 15.10.10 18:11:03, Sven Brauch wrote:
> Hey!
> I'm using kdevelop-pg-qt to generate a parser for python. In astvisitor.cpp
> (,
> although the type of the AST is definitely BooleanNotOperation, it steps
> into visitBooleanAndOperation for code like "if not foo: pass" and then
> segfaults. Can anyone tell me why it steps into visitBooleanAndOperation and
> not into visitBooleanNotOperation? I really can't figure that out...

I'd have to look at the rules to be sure, but are you sure that the
definition for not doesn't have and in it? Is there a unit-test testing
this, I guess I could try to run that tomorrow and see wether I see
anything obviously wrong.


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