Improvement of autocompletion
silvere.lestang at
Sat Nov 27 13:10:41 UTC 2010
On 26 November 2010 16:10, David Nolden <zwabel at> wrote:
> 2010/11/26 Silvère LESTANG <silvere.lestang at>:
> >>
> >> The things you have to compare are only the upper completion box in
> >> KDevelop
> >> with the box you see in Qt-Creator. The rest, below, is just normal code
> >> completion.
> >
> > In KDevelop, the above completion pop-up appears only when we press
> > Ctrl+space, I think it will be better if it was always displayed. But
> then
> > it's need
> > to be smaller than the actual one if we want it to be more useful than
> > disturbing
> > for the users.
> > I suggest that I implement firstly a tooltip like in Qt Creator, where
> you
> > can select the parameters that you want with arrow down and up, and the
> > actual parameters in bold. The actual pop-up would be still here if we
> press
> > Ctrl+space.
> > If you don't thinks its a good solution, I can make the actual pop-up
> > display
> > all the time, and then modify it to display only useful information.
> Showing the argument-hints always would be easy, however it was simply
> too heavy for that until now. The problem is that this all is
> implemented in kate, and connected to KDevelop through an interface,
> so you cannot simply "show a tooltip instead".
> However I agree that it would be nice if we had a very simply popup
> above in autocempletion mode, but it should look similar to the
> argument-hints in normal code completion for consistency. We show
> information which Qt-Creator does not show or even know (how well the
> parameters match for example), and this should stay that way.
> I think it would be ideal if we would only show the best-matching
> argument hint (similar to what Qt-Creator does), and eventually a
> selectable "Show more argument hints" button. This is already nearly
> implemented. Here's how it could be easily achieved:
> - Add a "bool isAutomaticCompletion" argument to
> MoreArgumentHintsCompletionItem::resetMaxArgumentHints
> - In resetMaxArgumentHints, set the maximum number of argument hints
> to 1 if "isAutomaticCompletion == true"
> The only remaining issues would be some styling issues that have to be
> solved in kate (see kdelibs/kate/completion/kateargumenthinttree.h).
> You could style the list in a way so that it looks more like a
> tooltip, and make sure that the blue header is not displayed somehow.
> >>
> >> So, if we compare those two, what's the issue exactly? I'd personally
> say:
> >> The KDevelop solution is too crowded and it looks too similar to the
> rest
> >> of
> >> the completion item, even though you cannot execute them.
> >>
> >> So indeed, we might want to improve this situation by changing the
> visuals
> >> of
> >> the pure-informatic items in the group. The question is how, as far as I
> >> know
> >> the internals it will be quite some work... Afaik it's all in a model
> and
> >> maybe the group-index of the information list could get some flag set
> that
> >> makes it clear that it's pure-informatic.
> >>
> >> And of course the question is: What's better? The item should still be
> >> expandable via the keyboard (so you can read documentation etc. pp.),
> just
> >> like you do know. If we break the visual association, users might not
> know
> >> they can do this...
> >>
> > How do you expand and collapse item with the keyboard? Left and right
> arrows
> > doesn't work, they make the cursor move.
> Try the ALT key (short press for toggling, long press for peeking into
> the documentation, ALT+direction for navigation, ALT+enter to execute
> something). This works everywhere in the IDE (in the editor window,
> quickopen, etc.), it's called "The Magic Modifier" ;-)
> Greetings, David
So I can try do to :
* Add an option in KDevelop Settings >> Language support to choose if we
want to
show always or not the auto completion popup for parameters
* Make this popup still showing after writing the first parameter
* Transform this popup to show only the best-matching arguments argument
* Add a button or/and a shortcut (arrow up and down?) in this popup to show
the others hints
(one in a time or all in the same time?)
* Change the style of this popup to make it lighter: remove the blue header,
see if something
else needs some change
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