Improvement of autocompletion

Silvère LESTANG silvere.lestang at
Fri Nov 26 14:46:31 UTC 2010

> The things you have to compare are only the upper completion box in
> KDevelop
> with the box you see in Qt-Creator. The rest, below, is just normal code
> completion.

In KDevelop, the above completion pop-up appears only when we press
Ctrl+space, I think it will be better if it was always displayed. But then
it's need
to be smaller than the actual one if we want it to be more useful than
for the users.
I suggest that I implement firstly a tooltip like in Qt Creator, where you
can select the parameters that you want with arrow down and up, and the
actual parameters in bold. The actual pop-up would be still here if we press
If you don't thinks its a good solution, I can make the actual pop-up
all the time, and then modify it to display only useful information.

> So, if we compare those two, what's the issue exactly? I'd personally say:
> The KDevelop solution is too crowded and it looks too similar to the rest
> of
> the completion item, even though you cannot execute them.
> So indeed, we might want to improve this situation by changing the visuals
> of
> the pure-informatic items in the group. The question is how, as far as I
> know
> the internals it will be quite some work... Afaik it's all in a model and
> maybe the group-index of the information list could get some flag set that
> makes it clear that it's pure-informatic.
> And of course the question is: What's better? The item should still be
> expandable via the keyboard (so you can read documentation etc. pp.), just
> like you do know. If we break the visual association, users might not know
> they can do this...
> How do you expand and collapse item with the keyboard? Left and right
doesn't work, they make the cursor move.
By the way, do we really need the documentation to be displayed in this
I think it's make the pop-up too heavy and when its narrow, the
is unusable. The question is both for the above and below pop-up.
A link or a shortcut to open the documentation in the documentation plugin
wouldn't be better?

> A first start would be though to show a proper title (like "Local" or
> "Public"
> below) for the function group, as well as showing that tooltip in automatic
> code completion as well (maybe make that configurable). I have to admit I
> didn't know the latter wasn't already the case, but well - I never use
> automatic code completion...
> Bye
> --
> Milian Wolff
> mail at
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