Quick open suggestions

Benjamin Port port.benjamin at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 19:39:39 UTC 2010

After discussing with some KDevelop user and looking for <
I can identify one problem, users want to use quick open more easely.
That's why I propose this.
A plugin to replace quickopen or for coexist and let the choice to use
The main goal is to allow users to use only keyboard
-Only one area for outline, and quick open.
-Only one shortcut to access it. And display shortcut on the text area.
-Quick access letter like QtCreator. Display help
  -KCM module:
    -parameter default comportment
      -Select scope of default search (without access letter) and scope
    -parameter quick access letter:
      ->Documentation (access)
      ->Line (access current document line X)
      ->Current document
-> Symbol
      ->All opened document
->File (switch to file)
->Class (access class)
->Methods (access method)
      ->Current project
->File (open file)
->Class (access class)
->Methods (access method)
      ->All project
->File (open file)
->Class (access class)
->Methods (access method)

Best regards,
Benjamin Port
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