Floating Assistants

David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 9 11:15:11 UTC 2010

This look interesting. The question is how well it works together with
code-completion, will the float appear in a position that doesn't conflict
with the completion-widget? Also it must be carefully placed so that it
doesn't interfere with the users work. The good thing about the assistants
at the bottom is that you can easily ignore them.

Regarding the "ignoring": Maybe it would be nice if the assistant system
could remember whether the assistant was hidden, and from then on only show
a mini-float somewhere at the border of the editor, which can be restored
using alt-0.

The other question is how well all the different assistants could deal with
such a low amount of shown information. Is the widget flexible enough to
show larger texts (maybe aligning them vertically rather than horizontally)?

Greetings, David

Am 09.11.2010 08:46 schrieb "Olivier JG" <olivier.jg at gmail.com>:

Changed the look of the assistants and made them float, did a bit of cleanup
in the process. Patches and an image* attached.
Looking for feedback on the look and the patches (David?).
-Olivier JG

PS: Is there a more specifically suited widget for this? It's a QToolbar for

(*) kscreenshot doesn't show cursor, it's hovering over the selected button
and giving the shown tooltip.

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