remove from the filesystem too

Esben Mose Hansen kde at
Sat May 29 08:23:08 UTC 2010

On Saturday 29 May 2010 07:45:02 Niko Sams wrote:
> I have an alternative solution here:
> what do you think about it?

I think you should provide a "dontAskAgainName" :)

  * @param dontAskAgainName If provided, a checkbox is added with which
  *                further confirmation can be turned off.
  *                The string is used to lookup and store the setting
  *                in the applications config file.
  *                The setting is stored in the "Notification Messages" group.
  *                If @p dontAskAgainName starts with a ':' then the setting
  *                is stored in the global config file.

Kind regards, Esben

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