remove from the filesystem too

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue May 18 18:56:48 UTC 2010

On 18.05.10 19:19:38, Niko Sams wrote:
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 18:47, Milian Wolff <mail at> wrote:
> > Niko Sams, 18.05.2010:
> >> On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 22:00, Niko Sams <niko.sams at> wrote:
> >> > Hi,
> >> >
> >> > What happens when removing a file and choosing "no" in this question:
> >> > Do you want to remove the file <i>%1</i> from the filesystem too?
> >> >
> >> > Especially for Generic Project Manager this question is confusing.
> >> >
> >> > What's the difference between removing from the project and removing
> >> > from the filesystem?
> >
> > either remove temporarily from the model, item gets back on next reload (which
> > btw. is totally pointless, I'm all for removing that option)
> > or to remove from model + filesystem.
> >
> > Imo a "Warning: do you really want to delete XYZ" would be sufficient.
> Is that true for all managers?
> If so I will change the dialog.

Its true for those we maintain currently. For cmake it doesn't make much
sense either as files that belong to a target (i.e. are part of the
buildsystem) are listed also under the target. And if somebody just
wants to remove it from a target he should use contextmenu on the file
under the target and do a remove there.

> >> > And another thing:
> >> > I want to write a test that removes files, and currently this Dialog is
> >> > shown. How can I work around this?
> >
> > currently, you cannot without patching that stuff manually, i.e. by
> > introducing a #ifndef TEST_NO_CONFIRM_DELETE or similar.
> That doesn't work as I don't link to the plugin - the "real" plugin is
> used in the test.

What eclipse has for these kind of things is a force-flag on the
relevant interface-methods. I think we should add that too, in
particular in the light of separating core from gui code.


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