Git repositories created and how to work with them

Vladimir Prus ghost at
Wed May 12 05:04:05 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 04 May 2010 11:21:11 Andreas Pakulat wrote:

> Hi,
> I've pushed all 5 repositories to (and the
> project page also works now): kdevplatform, kdevelop, quanta, php,
> php-docs. They're open for comitting, hence I'd like to talk a bit about
> our workflow with that. (this is not set in stone of course)
> I've created a 4.0 branch already from master, thats our stable branch
> and should get all bugfix commits on it. We'll than have to make sure
> that its merged once a week (or more often for important fixes) into
> master so that master also gets the bugfixes. I don't want to be
> responsible alone for that, so if anybody notices no merge on sunday
> evening if there's been commits to 4.0 branch in the week, please just
> do the merge.
> The master branch is open for any kind of commits, but only
> single-commit-change should be pushed to it directly. Everything else
> should be done in a local branch and the branch then merged into master.
> I'm thinking it makes sense to use --no-ff when doing the merge so that
> even if a fast-forward is possible we'll get a merge-commit.

Was there a final agreement on workflow? Reading this thread, it looks
like there's a number of different opinions.

Also, it's not exactly clear to me how I am supposed to arrange my working
copies. Should I just clone kdevelop repository locally, or else, make
gitorious clone it, and then clone gitorious clone?

- Volodya

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